ai venture pro

Welcome to the brave new world of business

Jim McNeely

Click to hear a message from me.....

"Tomorrow's Visionaries, Powered by AI Today."

Welcome to the aiVenture.Pro where we teach Leading with Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, we recognize that businesses and their leaders must be agile, innovative, and above all else, intelligent in their strategies.

Our tailored solutions are designed to harness the unparalleled capabilities of AI, providing you with cutting-edge insights and actionable tools. Whether you're an established enterprise or a budding entrepreneur, our mission is to equip you with the AI-driven expertise you need to elevate your organization and cultivate dynamic leadership.

Dive into a transformative experience, where human potential meets artificial intelligence, and discover how we empower businesses and leaders like you to not just thrive, but to lead with unmatched intelligence.

AI typing on Laptop

ai generated



AI generated

marketing materials & Voices

AI-Generated Message


Artificial intelligence education, training and Solutions

AI Gen Art 1

AI generated

customer service

Check out the
Customer Service ChatBOT Coach
on the Demonstration Page > CLICK HERE

We take an Individual


To adapting ai to 

Your Business Style and model

At ai Venture.PRO, we seamlessly blend the power of AI technology with time-honored leadership principles and personal growth strategies. Drawing from rich personal business experiences and employing proven techniques, our mission extends beyond conventional business growth. 


We're dedicated to elevating both enterprises and their individuals, nurturing leadership potential and fostering personal advancement.


With us, businesses don't just grow; they thrive, and so do their people

About Me

Here are a few things about me

Being medically semi-retired, I only take on a few projects each year. I am not looking to get rich or grow a huge business.

Frankly, I am only looking to keep my mind active and supplement my retirement income and lifestyle.

To that end, I decided to offer off-the-shelf, ready to use, quality material AND occasionally a few custom projects.

If your project is selected by me, it will receive all my focus until completion. Here is to your success!

jim mcneely

examples of our AI GenERATED PICS

Video Productions

With Artificial Intelligence working for you, the universe is possible!  Every day a new application is being developed for and by AI. 

Years Of Business Experience


Checkout the video for a New Announcement

of our new book:

         "Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence
                              for Small Businesses"

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